Gut Health 101
Posted by Shameka Simons on
What is Gut Health?

Gut health refers to the health of your digestive system and the microorganisms that live in it. A healthy gut is important for overall health and well-being, and can help with digestion, metabolism, and immunity. Poor gut health has been linked to a number of health conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, and mental health disorders.
The gut has been at the center of health research and discussion for several years now. With each study, it has become more clear that a healthy gut has effects that reach far beyond the digestive system. In my humble opinion, improving your gut health may be one of the biggest factors in boosting overall health & wellness.
The human body, in particular the gut, contains trillions of coexisting microorganisms, both helpful and harmful. These microbes—including bacteria, fungi, and other microbial cells—make up the microbiome which plays multiple roles within the body: supporting the immune system, aiding in digestion, and even promoting positive mental health.
In order to keep the microbiome happy and healthy, it’s vital to maintain high levels of good gut bacteria. So lets get into some habits, practices, and foods that will help keep your gut happy and healthy as well as touch on some of the benefits of good gut health.
Better Digestion

One of the most notable impacts of a healthy gut is that stomach disturbances become far less common. People who regularly experience bloating, gas, constipation, or even diarrhea may be able to alleviate these problems just by improving their gut health.
A balanced, gut-conscious diet full of pro- and prebiotics improves food processing and waste elimination, even in people with serious conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.
Find Balance With Probiotics
Probiotics are good bacteria that occur naturally within the body, balancing out the bad to keep the body working as it should. It's possible to boost probiotic levels in two ways—through diet and with supplements.
Probiotic foods are usually labeled as fermented or containing live cultures; typical sources include yogurt, kombucha, and kimchi. Dietary supplements containing Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium are also a good way to boost probiotic intake and come as capsules, liquids, and powders.
Feed Good Bacteria With Prebiotics

Prebiotics are compounds that survive in the digestive tract long enough to be broken down, fermented, and used as food by probiotics in the gut. Prebiotic foods contain high levels of pectin, inulin, or resistant starch. Pectin-rich foods include apples, carrots, and tomatoes, inulin-rich foods include leeks, onions, and asparagus, and resistant starches are in oats, beans, and legumes.
Prebiotic intake should be increased slowly as these foods can create bloating and gas. It’s better not to eat prebiotic foods late at night as they can disrupt the body’s internal clock. People with irritable bowel syndrome may find prebiotics especially difficult to digest, so may need to avoid them. Prebiotic supplements are also an option, I personally use Angstrom Minerals Apple Cider Gummies because I can't bring myself to drink ACV.
Fight Inflammation

Inflammation has links to some of the most serious conditions humans face, including cancers, neurological disorders, and cardiac issues. Studies show that unhealthy diets containing too much sugar and fat contribute to higher levels of inflammation. Over recent years, it has become more and more apparent that the modern Western diet—low fiber, high sugar, and high fat—has a detrimental effect on health. In relation to the microbiome, high levels of sugar have been shown to increase levels of bad bacteria in the gut and decrease the good bacteria, leading to inflammation and reduced function.
Highly processed foods lack many of the vital nutrients the body needs, including the fiber and probiotics that support a healthy gut. To maintain healthy levels of good bacteria, minimize your consumption of heavily processed foods and eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables and grains add anti-inflammatory foods like oily fish and leafy greens. By doing this, you can improve your gut health while fighting inflammation-related problems like insulin resistance, sexual dysfunction, and weight gain.
Eat a Diverse Diet

A 2019 study found that eating a varied diet helps support a stable and diverse microbiome. Each fruit and vegetable contains a unique blend of beneficial compounds, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals, that interact with and impact the microbiome in different ways.
This is especially true for prebiotic foods. Not all the microbes in the gut feed on the same kind of prebiotics, so different foods benefit the microbiome differently. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables maximizes the benefits.
Many people have intolerances that limit their ability to digest certain foods. Unlike an allergy, food intolerance is inconvenient but not dangerous. After eating these foods, affected people often experience symptoms like bloating, gas, or diarrhea.
Some research indicates that people with healthier gut microbiomes are less likely to have food intolerances. In fact, some experts think that proper gut health may even limit full-blown food allergies.
Limit Unintentional Weight Changes

Researchers have found that some weight changes have direct links to poor gut health. If a person gains or loses weight without making changes to their diet or activity level, they may have an unhealthy gut.
A healthy gut can absorb nutrients more easily and is better at regulating blood sugar and fat storage. This restricts contributors to unintentional weight changes like bacterial overgrowth, insulin resistance, and poor nutrient absorption.
Get Enough Fiber

Fiber is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system and helps promote good bacteria in the gut. A recent study showed that an increase in fiber can positively alter the composition of the microbiome, improving overall health.
The daily recommended dietary fiber intake is between 25g and 35g, but most people only consume around 12g to 18g. Plant-based foods are an excellent source of fiber; try to eat more whole grains, beans, vegetables, and nuts.
Get More Rest

It’s well known that adequate sleep is vital for overall health. Long-term sleep deprivation is linked to heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. Research demonstrates a two-way relationship between the microbiome and sleep patterns. Studies suggest that poor sleep leads to a less diverse microbiome, and conversely, imbalances in the microbiome can cause sleep disturbances. Most adults should aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. Tips for better sleep include reducing the use of electronic devices before bed and establishing a regular nighttime routine.
Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the biggest contributors to overall wellness, alongside good gut health. Many researchers have uncovered the links between these two factors, showing how they can influence each other. People with healthy diets tend to have fewer sleep disturbances like insomnia or poor quality sleep. As a result, these individuals also report feeling more rested after sleeping.
Healthier Skin

The gut and its microbiome play important roles in many skin conditions. Recent findings show that the skin and gut microbiomes are intricately linked. Maintaining a healthy diet allows their gut to fight dermatological issues like eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, acne, and cancer.
Some experts link this to the prevention of a “leaky gut,” which describes a weakened intestinal barrier that allows certain proteins to “leak” into the body and irritate major systems like the skin.
Boost Immune System

The link between a healthy gut and the immune system has been the focus of a significant amount of scientific study. As a result, experts have uncovered many ways the two systems influence each other. Among their findings, one of the clearest is that foods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects dramatically improve immune system function. Many researchers suggest nutritional approaches like the Mediterranean diet to promote better health around the world.
Research shows that antibiotics can have a devastating effect on the microbiome, including changes in its activity, reduced variety of microorganisms, and the development of antibiotic-resistant organisms. This is because when you take an antibiotic, it does not discriminate between good and bad bacteria: it kills it all.
Increased usage of antibiotics over recent years has led to an increase in the number of gastrointestinal and immunological conditions, especially when used to treat children. Probiotics supplements may be beneficial in helping restore the microbiome after taking antibiotics, which are an unavoidable life-saving medication in some cases.
Combat Serious Mental Illnesses

In the last decade, good gut health has revealed itself as one of the most important factors in improving brain function and behavior. There is an undeniable connection between the brain and the gut. This is called the gut-brain axis and scientists are only recently starting to understand how this relationship works.
Research suggests that depression has a direct impact on the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Maintaining good mental health is key to physical health and in particular, a healthy microbiome. Tips for positive mental health include spending time in nature, engaging in regular exercise, and taking time to connect with others.The brain and gut are constantly exchanging signals. As a result, diverse diets full of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options contribute to improvements in mental well-being.
Regular, moderate exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, strong muscles and bones, and good mental health. What’s more, recent studies suggest that exercise can have a positive impact on the number and diversity of good bacteria in the gut. Many people find that when they start to exercise more, they are inspired to improve their diet as well, thus receiving double the benefits. Adults should aim for around 30 minutes of moderate activity every day.
While the exact mechanisms and full effects require more study, many experts are positive that good gut health and exercise can help fight illnesses like depression and anxiety.
Repair Heart Damage

Medical professionals have openly discussed the effect diet has on the heart for many years. Recent research has expanded our knowledge of these effects. A healthy gut not only limits cardiac problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and heart attacks but may also repair the damage.
A study on lab mice revealed that gut microbes can regenerate tissue after heart attacks, allowing for better recovery.
Improving Asthma
Asthma is one of the most common respiratory conditions, affecting over 300 million people around the world. Thanks to ongoing studies, medical professionals have learned the importance of the gut microbiota in many respiratory issues, including asthma.
Their many findings suggest that a healthy gut limits airway inflammation, improves the lung microbiota, and inhibits allergy symptoms that contribute to asthma. By considering the gut microbiome in future treatments, it may be possible to dramatically improve asthma symptoms.
Stay Hydrated
Drinking enough water is crucial for maintaining the body’s systems and has an impact on cognitive function, digestion, and the regulation of blood pressure and temperature. Recent research established a link between drinking water and gut bacteria, suggesting that increased levels of hydration may lead to a healthier microbiome.
The type of water consumed also has an impact, with untreated well water being the most beneficial. Advice varies regarding the recommended daily water intake for adults, but the average seems to be around four to six cups in addition to hydration through food.
To Sum It Up
Good gut health is when there's a balance of helpful bacteria and yeast in your digestive system. Here are some signs of a healthy gut:
- Regular bowel movements: You have a regular bowel movement pattern and don't feel discomfort during bowel movements.
- Healthy stools: You pass healthy stools.
- No bloating: You aren't bloated.
Gut health is important because
- Immune system: 80% of your immune system is in your gut.
- Serotonin: Most of your body's serotonin is in your gut.
- Hormones: Your gut communicates with your brain through hormones, which helps maintain your general health.
- Inflammation: A healthy gut can reduce inflammation that can lead to heart disease.
- Obesity: A healthy gut can lower the chance of obesity.
- Energy: People with good gut health have more energy.
Here are some tips to improve your gut health
- Exercise: Regular exercise strengthens your diaphragm and abdominal wall, and increases blood flow to your digestive system.
- Limit fats: Avoid fried foods, and use low-fat salad dressings.
- Drink water: Warm water may aid gut bacteria.
- Drink herbal and spiced teas: Peppermint, turmeric, ginger, and fennel teas can reduce inflammation and relieve digestive distress.
- Eat a variety of foods: Aim for 30 different plant foods each week.
One of our long time staff members has personal experience with having to reset his gut you can read about what he's learned HERE
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