The Blog
How Calcium Helps Your Body
Posted by Shameka Simons on
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. Humans need calcium to build and maintain strong bones, The importance of calcium to the bone structure is general knowledge, but this mineral has many other health benefits.
- Tags: bone health, calcium
Magnesium & Your Health
Posted by Shameka Simons on
magnesium is often overlooked by consumers as an important nutrient. It does deserve consideration and attention, as magnesium deficiency can cause real health problems.
- Tags: Magnesium
The Best Home Remedies for Cold & Flu
Posted by Shameka Simons on
Do natural cold and flu remedies really work?
Lets dive in and go over some of the most popular and effective traditional ways to combat the Ick when it is making the rounds at your house.
- Tags: Immune System, Remedies
What does Iron do for your body?
Posted by Omega on
Iron deficiency is when your body's iron stores are too low. Common causes include not getting enough iron in your diet, chronic blood loss, pregnancy and vigorous exercise. Some foods and drinks affect how much iron your body absorbs.
What is a Boron Supplement good for?
Posted by Shopify on
What is Boron?
Boron is an element that impacts how the body handles and interacts with other minerals.